Term 1, Week 6 - 01.03.2021
Principal News
Study hints during the middle of term
I’m sure that your son is busy working on assessments now, as well as trying to keep up to date with normal schoolwork, homework, sport, cultural and other activities that our families confront each term. At St Mary's College, we are trying to educate our boys that in the normal rhythm of a term, there are three phases:
- The Instructional Phase (Weeks 1 - 4): Students learn new work, through direct teaching and other strategies from our teaching staff.
- The Assignment Phase (Weeks 5 – 7): Assignments are distributed and submitted. Most, but not all subjects would provide some class time to work on these assignments.
- Exam Phase (Weeks 8 – 10): Revising, cramming and studying for those important tests at the end of each term are a key part of the reports provided to families three times this year.
At present, we are clearly in the assignment phase. This can be a very challenging time each term for students and families. One of my mantras is to encourage students to keep "chipping away" at their work, and not to look too far ahead. Things can feel very overwhelming if students are not organised during this period. It is also important to look ahead a little to prepare for any exams upcoming in the term.
I’ve put together a few quick tips to help support your son through this period of the term.
You may want to give some subject exams more study time than others, so boys need to find a balance that they are comfortable with.
- Organise your study.
- Keep your phone outside the study room or bedroom during study.
- Use a form of study notes that works for you. It is possible to use flow charts, diagrams or, in the senior school, Cornell notetaking, to organise study notes.
- Practise revision questions and sheets where possible.
- Explain your answers to others.
- Organize study groups with friends.
- Take regular breaks.
- Snack on brain food.
- Plan your exam days (breakfast, room, key things to remember).
- Plan the week ahead – choose which subject to study each day.
Studiosity is an online, after-hours, study skills service. Once again in 2021, St Mary's College has purchased the service for Year 11 and 12 students. The following is a brief summary of the tools that are available on Studiosity:
The 'Writing Feedback' service
"Here's my file, I'll check back later." This service offers constructive academic writing feedback in less than 24 hours.
Feedback is a spotlight, showing students where they might focus attention and add more thought. Whether for future accountants, nurses, or aeronautical engineers, English language skills are critical to success and part of the integrity of a university or high school qualification. CVs and resumes are also accepted, and feedback provided on grammar, spelling, structure and readability.
The 'Connect Live' service
"I need help right now!" This service offers one-to-one, personal help in real time.
A student formulates his own question, then works with one of our Subject Specialists in the interactive classroom - with chat, collaborative whiteboard, and file sharing, because timely feedback drives confidence and perseverance.
The Academic Writing Evaluation service
The Academic Writing Evaluation service (AWE) prompts students to complete a writing task, that is then reviewed using Studiosity's comprehensive academic writing framework. It allows our partner institutes to gain insight into their students' academic writing capabilities and offer them more tailored, specific support early in the semester, if needed.
Please encourage your son to use this service. We are regularly updated with how much the service is being accessed, and we want our students to use Studiosity!
It is another tool that our boys can use to help them improve their performance in the Senior years of schooling.
Academic Data
St Mary's College collects a range of academic data to support the learning needs of your son. There is a plethora of data available to us and I wanted to take a little time to explain what we collect and what is done with the data. I have concentrated on academic data for this discussion.
- Report card data - Used to inform students and families of progress, and the learning plan for your son.
- PAT Testing data - Used to measure baseline skills in literacy, numeracy or science.
- Probe Testing - Conducted in Year 7 testing reading and comprehension ability.
- Write That Essay (WTE) data - Write that Essay is a writing resource and platform that helps to improve writing ability and performance. Feedback is provided.
- ATAR predictions and data - The College provides ATAR predictions and other related data at the start of Year 12. I want to thank Ms Eleighta Hannam for her work in this important area of Senior Pathways.
We use this data to inform our work with our boys. We are fortunate to have a high performing academic team who monitor the performance of the boys in each of their classes and map a pathway forward for each individual. The team includes: Mr Mark Watson (AP Curriculum); Ms Eleighta Hannam (Senior Pathways) and Ms Jade Marinelli (Year 5 - 9 Curriculum). The way we use this data means that our teachers are informed with the best information available, to support the learning of your sons.
Once again, St Mary's College has a healthy enrolment list to begin the year. It is clear that the school is, and has been for a number of years, operating well and attracting a healthy clientele from across the Darling Downs. Consequently, St. Mary's will begin this year to request that interested new families submit enrolment forms earlier than has been the case in the past. This will allow us to organise interviews in a timely fashion during 2021 and to help all families make positive decisions for the future.
Therefore, the closing date for new enrolments this year in any year level for 2022 will be Monday 21 June 2021. This date will be heavily advertised. We will allow a small number of late enrolments due to transfers and change of circumstances, but we would like most submitted by the closing date.
If you have any questions about enrolling your son at St Mary's College, please contact Lucia Armstrong on 07 4631 7333. Additionally, there are a limited number of places left in some year levels this year.
Please feel free to let friends and family know of our change in approach to managing enrolments!
My reflection for this week:
SECOND WEEK OF LENT – Week beginning Monday 1st March
Readings: Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Romans 8:31-34; Mark 9:2-10
The disciples in today’s gospel stood in the presence of God. “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him! Suddenly when they looked around, they saw no one with them anymore, but only Jesus.”
It was here they recognised the divinity of Jesus and hope for humanity. They saw God anew in their teacher and were transformed.
We are called to see God anew - to see God’s presence in our brothers and sisters on our streets, in our nation and around the world. In seeing, we, like the disciples, are called to “listen to Him.” As we listen, this Lent we are called to “aspire not to have more, but to be more”. We are encouraged to hear in a new way, to let go of those things that hold us back. to take up other things that allow us to live more simply and to show a deep and lasting respect for our global family and for the earth.
The Project Compassion story of Margret is also a story of transformation. Margret is a teacher at a vocational school for deaf students in the Solomon Islands. She was born deaf, so she knows the challenges it poses to education and employment. The school faced water shortages, with not enough to supply staff and students with safe water for drinking, cooking, washing and growing vegetables. Then tropical cyclone Harold damaged the school and its vegetable garden, amidst the threat of COVID-19. With Caritas Australia’s support, the school installed water tanks, provided cyclone-proof building materials and helped to implement COVID-19 prevention measures. The community has been transformed with enough water for its students, the capacity to cater for more and with plans to boost food security through increased agricultural production. As we continue our Lenten journey may we welcome the opportunity to ‘be more’ open to God’s invitation to “listen to Him”.
Prayer of Intercession: Loving God, we pray for the millions of people without access to clean water and, that together, as a global family, we work hard to ensure this basic human right is upheld so families and their communities can thrive. Amen.
Peace to you all this week.
Mr Brendan Stewart, Principal - stewartb@stmaryscollege.com
Student Welfare
At St Mary’s College, our teachers have been using the SMC merit system to recognise those boys who are meeting and exceeding our expectations. Teachers have regularly used merits to recognise those boys who go beyond the normal expectations, demonstrating high levels of faith, integrity, action and excellence. In 2020, we moved to a new student management system – Sentral – and this has meant that Merits are awarded digitally.
If your son receives a merit from his teacher, this will be recorded by the teacher in our Sentral system and the positive recognition of your son’s efforts will be recorded against his name. You will also receive an automated email regarding this. While this email doesn’t give you all the details about the incident that may have prompted the merit, it does let you know that the merit has been awarded. We hope that parents will take this opportunity to reinforce the core values of the College. This communication process will be improved as we settle in to the new Sentral system.
Once merits are awarded, they are then converted to House Points, which then contribute to the hotly contested inter-house competition. This system is currently being rolled over to the new student management system and, once established, we will be able to provide regular updates regarding each house’s progress.
At Assembly each week, ten lucky boys are selected from the list of merit recipients and these boys have the choice of either a FREE choccy milk or a SKIP THE LINE pass – both redeemable at the Tuckshop. At the moment, it seems that a SKIP THE LINE pass is worth far more than its weight in gold!
Last week, I asked for some suggestions as to other merit prizes that the boys would like. As a result of several suggestions, the boys can now choose a small bag of lollies, or for this month only, a ticket to the College musical, Jesus Christ Superstar. Boys in Year 11 and 12, who make the Merit Prize List can choose to have an Uber Eats delivery for lunch one day. I am sure that our older boys will work hard to earn that privilege.
If you have any questions about the Merit System at St Mary’s please make contact with your son’s Mentor Teacher or Head of House.
Mrs Samantha Parle, AP Welfare - parles@stmaryscollege.com
Assessment Policy
As we pass the mid-way point of Term 1, students are reminded to keep track of their assessment due dates on Canvas. By selecting ‘Calendar’ on their Canvas dashboard, students can see a personalised schedule.
In last week’s assembly and in Senior Skills lessons I outlined the process for applying for extensions and the ramifications of non-submission on the due date. To best prepare students for the world of work and/or study they will enter upon leaving the College, due dates need to be firm and consequences for non-submission clear. I understand that occasionally circumstances arise which prevent a student from being able to submit their best work by the due date and for this reason students can apply for extension using the process below. Please note that extensions will not be given for avoidable circumstances, family holidays, sporting carnivals, and any activity that the student had warning of. In these instances, the student is expected to submit prior to leaving for the activity.
Years 5 to 9 - Applying for an Extension
- Students must attend the Curriculum Office to collect a ‘Request for Extension’ form.
- The form must be completed and signed by parents outlining the reasons an extension is required and returned to the Curriculum Office at least one week prior to the due date.
- A new due date will be negotiated with Jade Maranelli (Years 5 - 9 Curriculum Leader).
Where a student has not applied for an extension and does not submit their assignment by the due date, they will be expected to complete assignment work during breaks on the due date and this will be collected and marked.
Years 5 to 9 - Missed Exams
Where a student misses an exam due to illness, they are expected to sit the exam immediately upon their return to the College.
Where a student has an extended period of illness and misses multiple exams, please provide a medical certificate and contact Mark Watson (Assistant Principal – Curriculum) to negotiate a new exam schedule.
Years 10 to 12
The process in the Senior School is more restrictive as it is dictated to schools by the QCAA (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority). Due to the complexity of the process and the severity of the consequences for non-submission, the following poster has been created and distributed to Senior Students. Please refer to it if you have any questions regarding the application for extension or consequences of non-submission.
Mr Mark Watson, AP Curriculum - watsonm@stmaryscollege.com
Primary News
Interschool Sport Hockey Training
Mrs Crank has locked in the Toowoomba Hockey, Regional Development Officer to come along to our training session in Week 6.
It would be great to see all boys participating in Hockey for interschool sport take up this opportunity.
- Date: Wednesday 3rd March 2021
- Time: 3.15pm - 4.15pm
- Where: College Oval, Hill Street
- Bring: Free dress, hockey stick, mouth guard & shin pads
Primary Leader Shirts
Thank you to the families who have paid for the Primary Leader Shirts. If you are yet to process payment, please do so by Friday 5th March. Details have been sent to your email via EdSmart.
Boys' Education
The Primary boys have been participating in a variety of hands on learning activities to enhance engagement and understanding of content. The teachers do their best to bring the lessons to life and deliver lessons that are both engaging and invigorating.
Mrs Terese Dyne, Head of Primary - dynet@stmaryscollege.com
College Careers
University of Queensland Medicine Information Night
UQ are holding a Medicine Information Night on Wednesday 21st April. This evening event is open to all Year 12 students and their parents/guardians to learn about studying Medicine at UQ. Hear from leading medical experts, UQ alumni and current students on the changing medical climate, how to apply for medicine at UQ and tips for success.
Places are limited, so please register as soon as possible to receive updates on the information night here.
Also, all Year 12 students with an interest in studying medicine in 2022 are encouraged to come to the Careers Centre and organise a meeting with Mrs Ball to discuss medicine pathways as early as possible.
School-Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships
If you are interested in a School-Based Apprenticeship, please contact the Career Support Officer, Mr Barber via email at barberp@stmaryscollege.com or drop in to the Careers Centre in DUHIG 21.
You will need to complete a SBA Expression of Interest Form and have a current resume and cover letter.
Resume templates and information to assist are available on the Careers Canvas page, link below.
Sport News
Sporting Results
We would like to congratulate the Futsal team on their wins last Friday.
Opens Futsal | 3 | Toowoomba Christian College | Nil |
Opens Futsal | 7 | Lockyer District State School | Nil |
Opens Futsal | 4 | Highfields State Secondary College | Three |
Opens Futsal | 3 | Lowood High | Nil |
Please see below Junior Sport results for last week:
Loss | Junior White | 3 | East State School | 4 |
Win | Junior Blue | 5 | Wilsonton State School | 0 |
Win | Senior White | 4 | Senior Blue | 3 |
Win | Junior White | 35 | Harlaxton State School | 4 |
Win | Senior White | 45 | Our Lady of Lourdes | 9 |
Win | Senior Blue | 28 | Toowoomba Grammar School | 8 |
Win | Junior Blue | 34 | Wilsonton State School | 3 |
Loss | Junior White | 3 | East State School | 4 |
Win | Junior Blue | 5 | Wilsonton State School | 0 |
Win | Senior White | 4 | Senior Blue | 3 |
Sporting Achievements
Congratulations to Andrew Burke (Year 7) for coming first in the Scenic Rim Gravity Eduro on the weekend.
Hookin 2 Hockey Program
Library News
New Books Available
We have recently purchased new books for the SMC Library, which are now available for borrowing. Students and staff are most welcome to call into the Library and see our new book display. The new titles are always very popular, but students may reserve any titles of interest. Library staff are happy to assist with this process. We hope to see you soon!
Library Activities
The SMC Library is a hub of activity before and after school, as well as during the breaks with many boys participating in the different activities available.
SMC Chess Club
The St Mary’s College Chess Academy operates in the Library on a Thursday morning before school from 7.30am to 8.30am, under the instruction of Mr Ted Carter. These sessions are extremely popular and the boys attending have shown significant improvement in their chess skills, while enjoying the competitiveness of the game. Additionally, Chess is now offered as a sport option for primary students on a Friday afternoon and secondary students on a Wednesday afternoon. For more information, please email Ted Carter at pilkingtons@stmaryscollege.com or contact the SMC Office.
The Irish Brigade
The Irish Brigade operates on a Wednesday afternoon in DUH23 from 3.05pm to 6.00pm and on most Thursdays in the Library during first break. Please be early to secure a game. These sessions are run by Mr Tom Bower, with assistance from Mr Bill Smith and Mr David Lewis. They provide a face-to-face gaming experience for the young men of St Mary's College to engage socially with their peers in a challenging and exciting environment. The board games cover a vast range of themes from military history to socio-economic and historical. Students learn the skills of negotiation, lateral thinking, planning and applied mathematics, while forming new friendships and developing their social skills. For more information please email Bill Smith at smithb@stmaryscollege.com.
The Library offers many activities before school, after school and during lunch breaks including:
- Chess
- Board games
- Uno
- Cards
- Pokémon
- Yu-Gi-Oh
- Study & reading
The SMC Library also assists with printing, technology and digital textbook assistance.
Overdue Library Resources
Please remind your son to keep up-to-date with library loans. Students can manage loans through the Library Web App, where they can see overdue items. Students will also receive a weekly overdue reminder via email each week. Please see Library Staff if there are any issues. Your help with this is much appreciated!
"Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else's shoes for a while."
– Malorie Blackman
Mrs Gemma Tracy, Teacher Librarian - tracyg@stmaryscollege.com
Jesus Christ Superstar the Musical
We are now four weeks out from production week and the Production and Creative team could not be more pleased with how the show is progressing! Sets are being built, backdrops are being painted (by the very talented Anne O’Sullivan), and costumes are coming together.
We have been focussing our rehearsals on our three large scenes for each act: Hosanna, Simon Zealots and The Temple for Act 1; The Arrest, Trial Before Pilate and Superstar for Act 2. We were even able to run through the full show on Saturday afternoon. It was great to see the show in its entirety!
On March 20th, the cast have been asked to arrive to rehearsals in full stage make-up and costume as Mrs Roper will be taking photos for our program which will be on sale during all performances.
The Production team have also asked that from March 20th that the cast is fully committed to attending every rehearsal to allow the opportunity to fine-tune scenes. Mrs Peters is always available at petersl@stmaryscollege.com if you have any questions.
Book Online
Tickets are now available for purchase!
Enhanced Learning
Do you have concerns about your son's hearing? We have an audiologist attending the College in Week 10 of this term.
Please request a hearing test for your son now, by emailing Mrs Kerrin Cridland at cridlandk@stmaryscollege.com.
World Hearing Day and Hearing Awareness Week
World Hearing Day is on 3rd March. The theme this year is "Don't let hearing loss limit you". World Hearing Day coincides with Hearing Awareness Week in Australia.
This initiative supports:
- Good hearing and communication is important through all stages of learning and essential to learning.
- Hearing loss and related ear diseases can be prevented through actions such as protection against loud sounds and good hearing health and ear care practices.
- Regular hearing checks
Hearing Australia recommends testing your hearing as soon as possible if you are worried you might be losing your hearing. The earlier hearing loss is picked up, the earlier something can be done about it.
Mrs Kerrin Cridland, Curriculum Leader Enhanced Learning - cridlandk@stmaryscollege.com
Waterford News
The last few weeks have been eventful for Waterford. We had our Swimming Carnival and we are pleased to say we placed second. Lots of our boys turned up and participated to the best of their ability. It was great to see lots of smiling faces and the sense of community and belonging alive and well. Last week we had our Year 10 students involved in a Reflection Day. It was a time for the boys to connect with their future role as leaders and what it means to wear a white shirt. This is the start of their leadership journey. The Year 7 students had a fun time on camp at Noosa North Shore. They seemed to enjoy their time in the sun as many of them displayed their canoeing and surfing skills. The Year 8 students were also involved in a Reflection Day. This was an opportunity for them to reflect on their informed conscience. It was thought provoking as they contemplated whether they make decisions based on peer approval or integrity. Hopefully these events have helped the boys connect further to the St Mary’s College community.
When looking at connections, we have organised a Waterford afternoon for the boys. The senior boys will be organising some fun games on the Oval. It will be held Wednesday 10th March, from 3.15pm to 5.00pm, and will cost $5.00. This will cover the cost of pizza and a drink. Please bring the money to Mrs Connolly once your permission note has been signed electronically through Edsmart. We are looking forward to this, as it is a great opportunity to meet more boys in Waterford.
Tuckshop Weekly Lunch Plan
The Weekly Lunch Plan has restarted. Please click on the following link to place an order: www.smcmeals.com
Please note the order window does not open until Wednesday afternoon, and will close Sunday evening at 8.00pm.
Sandra Kelly, Tuckshop Manager - kellys@stmaryscollege.com
SMC Business Register
Calling all St Mary's College Old Boys and Parents! Do you own a business or work for a business located in the Toowoomba region that would be interested in joining our Business Register?
We are often looking for businesses interested in mentoring, work experience, school-based apprenticeships, traineeships and more!
If this sounds like you, please fill out the following form.