SMC NEWS 2022 - Term 2 Week 7
Principal's Note
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we recognise Reconciliation Week in Australia and to begin with today, I would like to acknowledge the Jarowair and Gaibal peoples, and the greater Wakka Wakka nation. This year, the theme of Reconciliation Week is "Be Brave - Make a Change". We recognise at St Mary's College that we have 55 indigenous students, and as a community, this week, we recognise their history and journey through St Mary's College, Toowoomba.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
27 May 1967: On this day, Australia’s most successful referendum saw more than 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise them in the Census.
3 June 1992: On this day, the Australian High Court delivered the Mabo decision, the culmination of Eddie Koiki Mabo’s challenge to the legal fiction of ‘terra nullius’ (land belonging to no one) and leading to the legal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of lands. This decision paved the way for Native Title.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all of us at St Mary's College as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Reflection for the Week - The Feast of the Ascension
A teacher told me recently that when she asked her grade fours to draw a picture of the Ascension, not unsurprisingly most of them did a fairly conventional portrait of Jesus rising up on a cloud. One of her students, David, who is a particularly gifted artist, had Jesus blasting off into the sky. Down the side of Jesus’ pure white garment was the word NASA and David provided all the sound effects for how he imagined the scene of the first Ascension. He concluded, without a hint of irony, that, ‘the Ascension must have been a real blast!’ None of us can blame David for marrying our modern culture with an ancient story. In fact if some of us are honest, David's ‘space shuttle Jesus’ is not far from what we think as well.
The Ascension stories, however, are not primarily interested in how or when Jesus got back to heaven. John and Paul never mention it at all. Mark and Matthew have it happening on the same day as the Resurrection and Luke has it occurring 40 days after Easter on the same day as Pentecost. The one thing, on which all the New Testament writers agree, is where in heaven Jesus went and where he is presently – at God's right hand.
Even to this day, being on someone's right is a place of honour. In the Old Testament being on the right hand of David, Samuel or Elijah was to be the anointed and favoured one, the true son or daughter. In telling us, then, that Jesus isnow at God's right hand, the Gospels use a formal phrase to announce that God affirms everything Jesus said and did on earth and that he is the way for us to follow.
That can be all well and good, but Jesus goes one step further and that's why this feast is so important. Jesus taught us that where he is, so shall we be, that he was going to prepare a place for us and that, in and through him, we will have life and have it to the full.
© Richard Leonard SJ
Mr Brendan Stewart, College Principal -
Student Engagement News
Parent Feedback
The partnership between home and school is a key contributor to successfully guiding a young person from childhood to adulthood. At St Mary’s College, we are always happy to hear feedback from our families. Whether it is a pat on the back for something you think we do well, or a suggestion for improvement, we welcome input from you all. Parent feedback was used to help shape the new mobile phone policy that was introduced earlier this year, and I will be seeking feedback from the College community regarding our uniform and presentation policy.
With regard to uniform, families would have received an email this week regarding the wearing of spray jackets and beanies during extremely cold weather. This decision will be made by Mr Stewart as needed. We thought that naming the cold days and the ‘rule’ would make the communications easier so I must offer an apology to those parents who work in the health sector, where ‘code blue’ means something altogether more serious than cold weather and spray jackets.
In addition, the Code Blue will mean that Year 12 boys are allowed to wear their Senior Jersey under their blazers for extra warmth.
A Reminder about Lockers and Phones
All students at St Mary’s College have a day-locker where they are expected to keep their bags during the school day. The usual practice is that boys bring to school, all the books and equipment that they will need for the school day. This is left in their locker and boys take with them the books and equipment for each session. At breaks, boys return to their lockers to swap books, collect their lunch and re-organise themselves for the next session.
Because lockers are used to secure items that are valuable, the College requires all boys to have a sturdy lock to secure their day-locker. In order to ensure the security of lockers and student belongings during the day, boys are required to use the College issued lock which they will be given at the beginning of the school year. In the event that the student forgets his combination, several staff members have over-ride keys that can open the locks.
A brief version of the mobile phone policy is as follows:
- Boys in Years 5 and 6 are required to keep their phone in their bag and locker from the time they arrive at school until they leave the Primary Building after 3:05pm
- Boys in Years 7 to 10 are required to store their phone in their locker from the 8:10am until 3:05pm
- Boys in Years 11 and 12 may have their phone on them, but it is to remain unseen
- Using a mobile phone at the wrong time will result in the phone being confiscated
- Not securing a mobile phone in their locker will result in the phone being confiscated
- First instance - until the end of the day
- Second instance - until the end of the following school day
The changes to the mobile phone policy make the security of lockers a significant priority.
Risk Taking and Education
Taking risks and trying new things are key elements of growing up. I am sure that many of you could tell your own stories of adventure and decisions that perhaps weren’t very well thought out, some which left no lasting impact and some that did. Now that we are the adults, we are in the position of trying to steer our children through this same phase. They have a few more variables – social media and vapes come immediately to mind – and that can be daunting for us as parents.
The key to supporting your son through their risk-taking years is education. We run a series of programs here at St Mary’s that are aimed at educating our boys about a range of topics – relationships, consent, vaping, alcohol, cyber safety, bullying, bystander behaviour, safe partying, driver responsibilities. We often find that bringing in outside presenters, the boys are more likely to engage and are less likely to ignore the information. In the next few months, we will be reviewing the program of external providers that we use, with the aim of identifying any gaps or overlaps. If you have suggestions regarding this, please let me know.
Mrs Samantha Parle, Assistant Principal - Student Engagement -
What's On - Term 2, Weeks 8 & 9
Mr Stephen Monk, Deputy Principal -
Library News
Hello from the library!
In light of term 2 quickly coming up to deadlines, the time has come to remind our wonderful SMC community of our library! The SMC Library offers a range of resources and services, which support learning and encourage free and voluntary reading. The fiction and non-fiction areas are genrefied, and we have signage to assist students in finding a book of interest. The library is open every day, please see below for our Business hours. Currently, we have three dedicated learning spaces, as well as a meeting area and booths for quiet study. Students enjoy the library for a variety of activities, including chess, cards, reading and study. We also assist with printing (iPad and laptop), photocopying, research/study, and general information for students and staff.
Library Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday: 7.30am - 4.05pm
Friday: 7:30 - 3.05pm
Homework Club
We have started a High School Homework Club to match our Primary Homework Club offering! Thanks to the fantastic teachers at St Mary’s, we can help assist students in Years 7-12 with their curly questions and understanding their assessments. High School Homework Club will be held after school until 4:05pm on Tuesdays for English and Humanities, and Thursdays for Maths and Science. It is also important to mention that Mrs Nicola Crank – who has been taking the Primary Homework Club – has been doing a stellar job, and will continue to do PHC Wednesday afternoons.
Library Web App
The Library Web App is a one-stop-shop for library services, including access to online encyclopedias, databases and paid subscriptions. It is available 24/7 and can be accessed by clicking here. The students should have this on the device, but please feel free to save the link. Students are welcome to see library staff, regarding assistance with the Library Web App.
Overdue Library Resources
Please remind your son to keep up-to-date with library loans through the Library Web App, where they can see overdue items. Each week students are emailed a list of overdue loans and we ask that this be actioned as soon as possible. Students can either renew or return their overdue library items. Any overdue library items not returned or renewed before the end of term will be billed during the last week of term. Your help with this is much appreciated!
Please feel free to contact the Library Staff via if you have any queries about any of the SMC Library services.
Mrs Gemma Tracy, Teacher Librarian -
Sport News
Term 2 Sporting Fundraiser
This fundraiser is aimed at helping support students who are engaging in school sporting pursuits here at the College.
Our students continue to gain recognition for their sporting abilities with many students gaining Toowoomba, Zone and Darling Downs’ selection. A number of these students go on to gain selection in Queensland sides while a few select students gain the opportunity to represent Australia in their chosen sport. In recent years, we have averaged around one hundred students per year making Darling Downs teams.
Alongside this we have our Sporting Camps which see us competing against the best schools in the state and across the nation. We have had continued success across a variety of sports with credit to the amazing staff at St Mary's College who afford so much time and energy into helping support the boys.
This Fundraiser includes:
- College Sporting Camps: (CBSQ Basketball, EREA National Football Tournament, All Schools Touch, Senior Schools Cup Volleyball, Confraternity Shield Rugby League)
- Darling Downs Schools Sports
- Queensland School Sport
- National School Sport
Mr Scott Cowan, Director os Sport -
Thanks to our SMC Sport Season Sponsors
Careers News
Contact the Careers Team
Please phone the College or email us at to make an appointment (by phone, in person or Microsoft Teams). We’re more than happy to assist you and your son with any queries you may have in areas such as, school-based apprenticeships, work experience, TAFE and university applications, career decision-making or industry connections.
Mr Kris Glass, Career Development Practitioner -
Mr Paul Barber, Career Support Officer -
Ms Bronnie Littlewood, Career Support Officer -
The Hub
Support is available to all students who require assistance with homework, assignments or reviewing current classwork. Support is available in the Hub every morning before school from 7.00am and at both lunch breaks. Support will also be available after school on Thursday afternoons from 3.05pm until 4.00pm. If you would like further information, please get in touch.
Mr Dave Roy, Learning Support Teacher -
Notice Board
Parent Portal
If you are having any difficulties accessing the Parent Portal, please contact the Business Manager, Mr Patrick Wilson -