Term 4, Week 4, 26.10.2021
Principal News
Dear Parents and Carers,
Australia Celebrates World Teachers' Day on Friday 29 October 2021
World Teachers’ Day is held internationally in early October. As it falls during the school holidays for many parts of Australia, we celebrate a little later.
This coming Friday 29th October, Australia celebrates World Teachers' Day. It is therefore an appropriate time to acknowledge the wonderful work our St Mary's teachers do, and to thank them for their contribution to the community and to the education of your sons at the College.
Teachers (with support from parents and carers) have ensured education continues across the country this year, despite major challenges. It’s reinforced the significant role our teachers play in the lives of children and students, their families, and communities. Across the past two "pandemic" years, our teaching staff have moved to online learning and made this a core component of our pedagogy; upgraded their skills in many areas and checked for understanding, and supported and encouraged a different type of engagement with parents and carers.
For you, and us, we understand that this COVID period has not been an easy one. As a teaching staff, however, our learning about online education at a secondary level has been "fast-tracked", and I know there are, and will continue to be, benefits that flow to our boys from this learning.
Additionally, during 2021, I have come to realise that our St Mary's teaching staff is a dedicated group of professionals, committed to improvement in everything that they do. They embody the school motto of Conanti Corona, or "strive for the crown". They are generous with their teaching and learning time provided to your sons, and many give up their personal time outside of school time for co-curricular activity. I am very grateful for this, as in our systems of schools, this co-curricular commitment is recognised as "honorary and voluntary". There is no extra payment or gifts provided for staff who provide this extra time.
To each and every St Mary's College teacher, a very sincere thank-you from me for the work that you continue to do. It is appropriate that once a year we recognise your contribution, and say thank-you for the quality of the education you provide at St Mary's College.
As members of the community, we can thank our teachers by keeping an eye on our Facebook feed this week for our "World Teachers' Day" promo.
Reflection for the Week
Up Jumped Bartimaeus
Jericho was the last oasis-city for pilgrims making their way to Jerusalem. It was the last decent stop about 25 kilometres short of the Temple.
The closer the pilgrims got to their goal, the more beggars would congregate. In the Middle East, traditionally they sat on a cloak spread out in front of them onto which pilgrims would toss a small coin.
Bartimaeus shouted to Jesus: ‘Have pity on me!’ The crowd at first told him to stop pestering Jesus, but he shouted all the more until Jesus stopped and called him over. And what does the Gospel then recount? Bartimaeus threw his cloak aside, jumped up, and came to Jesus.
Bartimaeus could have stayed; you can stay; I can stay, sitting on the side of the road of life, content to have the security of the old familiar cloak, hoping for the occasional consolation of someone throwing us a few coins to feed our various hungers, especially of course, the deep down hunger for friendship or companionship.
Perhaps that is all that Bartimaeus initially wanted from Jesus - a moment of pity to him, the victim. Perhaps he didn’t really want to do the gutsy thing and take a risk, the enormous risk of having his life changed forever. So, Jesus puts it to him: ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ Bartimaeus answered: ‘Master, let me see again,’ and he was cured of his disease and saved into a new way of living.
Our Lord offers us the same opportunity to start a new phase of life. What Jesus wants from you and from me is to get up from ground level (to ‘jump up’) in order to see things from a new perspective. Our feet are still on the ground. We are still earthed, but Jesus wants us to see things in the way He sees things.
Do you notice that if a friend wants you to focus on something at a distance, he or she will stand shoulder to shoulder with you and point you to the object he or she sees so clearly? If we trust the friendship of our Lord and jump up and stand shoulder to shoulder with Him, we can catch a glimpse of what is involved in following Him on ‘The Way’ (the earliest name for what became known as Christianity).
And we know what that Way meant for Jesus and the early church, and perhaps for Bartimaeus himself. The crowd had called out to him: ‘Take courage, get up, He is calling you.’ Courage may be required to give up the familiar way of life, because in our hearts we know that we are not living that fully human life for which we were created and for which we are yearning.
The Holy Spirit even now is speaking to our hearts: ‘Take courage, get up, He is calling us.’
From: © Fr Michael Tate; mtate@bigpond.com
Mr Brendan Stewart - College Principal
In Our Prayers
Our sincerest condolences to St Mary's Old Boys' Association President, Jeremy Cotter and his family on the passing of his father Sid Cotter.
Old Boy, Brian Marks has sadly passed away. Brian was a decorated Rugby League player, playing for Newtown and All Whites (Brothers). He also ran on for the Clydesdales and Queensland sides, playing against England, France and New Zealand in the 1950's and 60's.
We also send our well wishes and prayers for recovery to Paul Canning and Phil Cash, past teachers of St Mary's.
P&F News
Cyber Safety Workshop
The Digital Thumbprint team is offering parents and caregivers a free seminar about challenges of the digital world for young people – and how to deal with them. Digital Thumbprint for Parents and Caregivers will provide practical information and resources so that parents and caregivers can support young people to be safe, responsible, and positive online. It covers everything from password security, to gaming, social media, cyberbullying and image-based abuse, online exploitation as well as some time for Q&A.
There’s no cost to attend.
Date: Wednesday 27th October 2021
Time: 5:55pm login for a 6:00pm start. Concludes at 7:00pm
Location: Zoom
Cost: Free
Registration: REGISTER HERE
Once registered, the Zoom meeting details become available.
Thank you for supporting the digital smarts and safety of our young people.
Presentation Night
You are invited to virtually attend Presentation Night on 19 November. The evening represents a special occasion on the College calendar, where we celebrate and recognise our boys acheivments across the year. The ceremony will be live streamed for parents. caregivers, friends and family to watch.
Day for Daniel
This Friday (29 Oct), the Primary boys are encouraged to flood the College with red. The boys are permitted to wear red clothing to help raise awareness of child safety, on Daniel Morecombe Day. Each child is asked to bring a gold coin donation which will go to the foundation to continue develop educational programs around child safety and protection. The boys will listen to our Adopt-a-Cop, Leea Wilson and participate in a variety of activites on the day.
Please note, all boys will be required to change into their full sport uniform to go to interschool sport. If they forget their uniform they will not be able to go off campus for sport.
Christmas Appeal
Primary boys will be out at break times until the end of term with the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal collection tins. This year funds will go towards buying gift cards for families in need.
NDIS suppot post-school
World Teachers' Day
Australia will celebrate and thank the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day on Friday 29 October.
Teachers (with support from parents and carers) have ensured education continues across the country this year, despite major challenges. It’s reinforced the significant role teachers play in the lives of children and students, their families, and communities. We would particularly like to thank our wonderful teachers at St Mary's College!
The Hub
Support is available to all students who require assistance with homework, assignments or reviewing current classwork. Support is available with Mr Roy in the Hub every morning before school from 7.00am and at both lunch breaks. Support will also be available after school on Thursday afternoons from 3.05pm until 4.00pm. If you would like further information, please contact Dave Roy on 07 4631 7333.
All Saints Feast Day
Clothing Pool News
The SMC Clothing Pool has received many UNNAMED uniform items collected by the Administration Office.
The lost property items have been collected from around the school at various times during the year.
There are:
o SPORTS BAG with SMC uniform inside.
If your son is missing a clothing item, please call into the Clothing Pool and have a look through the Lost Property.
Monday 8:00am – 9:00am
Tuesday 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Thursday 8:00am – 9:00am